Another nice update on the WDTV Media Player

I have a nice update on the WDTV Media Player.

I gave my original WDTV to my mother so I could let her watch all the shows I have recorded.  But I noticed yesterday that Costco was selling the units so I decided to pick up a second one for myself.

I wanted to know however if I could use more than the two hard drives that it supported.  So this morning, I plugged in a 7 port USB hub and started powering them up, one at a time.  Amazingly, it didn’t have a problem with this.  It simply added another layer to the folder menu where I could pick which volume I wanted to browse into.

I ended up with six USB drives all attached to a single port on the WDTV and it was working perfectly.  I’m very happy!  I might not need to have a PC in the living room anymore.  The only downside is that you need to detach a drive to update it from a computer elsewhere.

This is very cool.

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