iPad – 3 months later

It’s been 3 months since I last posted about my iPad so I thought it was a good time to give an update.

Short answer: I use it everyday and am very happy with it!

I thought it would be a good time to go over my initial thoughts and describe the apps that I like.

Do I miss the missing features?


I have never once in the last three months found myself in a situation where I thought it would be nice to pick up my iPad and take a photo of something.  When I’m out and about I either have a real camera or my phone.  Both of those are a thousand times more convenient to take a picture with.

Video chat?  Who the heck to I ever video chat with?  I don’t even do that on my PC.


I got the camera connection kit for the iPad so I can plug my camera into the iPad to load the pictures.  I can also plug in the other connector to get photos directly off an SD card.  It works for QuickTime videos as well.

Have I ever needed to plug in a hard drive to get at other data?  NO.  There are much easier ways of getting access to my files over WI-FI than trying to plug in a drive.  Besides, the battery doesn’t have the power to activate an external drive even if you wanted to.


After three months of browsing my favorite sites on the iPad, I have never once been upset that I couldn’t play a Flash video.  In my mind, this is the stupidest excuse to bash the iPad I’ve ever heard.

The funniest part of this is that I read an article and watched the attached video the other day about how poorly the Android devices are playing Flash.  The Flash video was choppy as heck giving may 1 frame every 2 seconds at best on the phone.  The ironic part: I was watching this video of Android’s crappy performance on my iPad!!!!  And my video playback of the article was flawless.

My next posting will start discussing the apps I like.

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